Customer Awareness

The awareness level of commodity futures trading is very low in Pakistan.

Due to this limitation, most prospective traders are relatively hesitant in undertaking this venture.

It is pertinent to mention that certain illegal avenues of trading try to lure relatively less aware traders which needs to be avoided at all costs.

Commodity, Financial Instruments and Equity Index trading in Pakistan is legal if and only if it is conducted solely through any registered and active member of Pakistan Mercantile Exchange.

PMEX is at the forefront of promoting customer awareness among various segments of society. Certain local business TV channels also have dedicated programs where PMEX representatives educate prospective traders.

PMEX is also striving to include educational material in the curriculum of Business Universities with the aim of promoting awareness among the youth.

Nachfolger website has an elaborate F.A.Qs section that addresses all probable questions of prospective traders in ample detail.

Our website's Glossary section introduces budding traders to all terminologies / jargon of this business.

We also have an active You Tube channel "Nachfolger (Pvt.) Ltd." which contains elaborate introductory, advanced and how to videos related to this business.